3 Quotes & Sayings By Keith Carter

Keith Carter is a best selling author and has been in the area of marketing for over 25 years. He has written five books and numerous articles on marketing and sales. He is a regular guest on the radio shows, "The Motivators" and "On the Rag" and also speaks to groups around the country. He teaches a group training course on selling and marketing called "Sales Leadership." He is a consultant to a wide variety of companies including Pond's, Underwriters Laboratories, The Clorox Company, and Miller Brewing Company.

I think there is an element of magic in photography – light, chemistry, precious metals – a certain alchemy. You can wield a camera like a magic wand almost. Murmur the right words and you can conjure up proof of a dream. I believe in wonder. I look for it in my life every day; I find it in the most ordinary things. Keith Carter
I don't just look at the thing itself or at the reality itself; I look around the edges for those little askew moments-kind of like what makes up our lives-those slightly awkward, lovely moments. Keith Carter